Flamenco Alameda of the Seville of the Machado and the avant-garde
In the same way that Seville created the first of the world’s Alamedas in the 17th century, at the end of the 19th century it planted another orchard: one that would put Seville at the head of a literary, artistic and musical movement with unprecedented perspectives by uniting the cultured and popular fields with the glue of Andalusian identity traits and, especially, flamenco. Three generations of “Machados” would be irreplaceable pieces in this area, located in the very heart of the city in the Golden Age.
The poets Manuel and Antonio were born there, his father, “Demófilo”, founded the “El Folk-lore andaluz” Society, which would convert the deep verses into Literature, his grandfather would serve as Magnificent Rector studying the fauna and trades of the Guadalquivir…
But, as if that ground had been consecrated, Manuel Chaves Nogales was born on those same streets, Juan Ramón Jiménez and Fernando Villalón would live, the ultraist movement would be founded, bringing together Isaac del Vando, Adriano del Valle, Rafael Cansinos, Jorge Luis Borges…, the avant-garde of modernity, in the magazine “Grecia”.
With all of them and with flamenco as our flag, on the 150th Anniversary of the birth of the two brothers, and starting with the presentation of the special edition Gastropass Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla, we are going to draw with flamenco brushstrokes, this Alameda Inmaterial, convinced that another avant-garde will flourish. For more information scan the QR.