What to eat
The great Spanish contribution to world gastronomy is tapas and Seville is one of the leading cities for the “tapas” culture, which consists of going from bar to bar trying small samples of delicious dishes. Seville has a varied gastronomic offer of local and international food.

El concepto “eat local” consiste en consumir alimentos de proximidad que se elaboran cerca de donde se van a consumir, de ahí que se conozca también con el nombre de Kilómetro Cero.
La variedad, la calidad y la constante innovación, son las señas de identidad de los productos de Andalucía y son además un reclamo turístico mundial.
Con el sello de calidad Gusto del Sur, el consumidor adquiere productos andaluces de alimentación y bebida con las máximas garantías.
1 Day
With the Gusto del Sur quality seal, the consumer acquires Andalusian food and drink products with the maximum guarantees.
Andalusian Academy of Gastronomy and Tourism
The Andalusian Academy of Gastronomy and Tourism is a non-profit Association, made up of 60 academics who are distributed among the 8 Andalusian provinces.
Andalusian Academy of Gastronomy and Tourism
Discover the 3 great objectives of the Sevillian Academy of Gastronomy and Tourism.
Stillness Salsa picante reposada
Quietud is the brand of a range of premium hot sauces handcrafted by a Sevillian company.